Command of Local
We manage your projects and disputes in all the major centers of Turkey and especially in Istanbul.
We have full command of legal regulations and practices. In addition to the official appeals, we also use all alternative dispute solution methods.
Our local experience and references present us preferable.
We operate in all countries where our country is in a commercial connection, especially in neighboring countries, Europe and North America.
We have experience and a competent team in areas such as the acquisition of regional rights of brands, e-commerce, digital marketing, valuation and sales of know-how, the credibility of investments, mergers and acquisitions.
İnvestor Friendly
Among the countries with high trade volume, We ensure the security of foreign investors' investments by examining customs legislation, organization agreements and exemptions.
We are actively involved in evaluating and implementing of citizenship, residency, tax exemption processes required for investments.
We are actively involved in evaluating and implementing of citizenship, residency, tax exemption processes required for investments.
YMost of our local clients are directly involved in the production of high value-added products. In addition to traditional methods, we are focused on e-commerce and digital marketing areas which show a great increase percentage each year.
We offer services to companies in the fields of e-commerce, digital marketing, use of personal data and confidentiality of commercial information.
We have been representing commercial enterprises of large and medium scale since 2011.
As of 2024, commercial enterprises represent 76%, while foreign investors represent 14%.
We provide services in many business and trade sectors, including cooling, heating, sports, architecture, internet, technology, information technology, energy, health, construction, and real estate.
We provide legal services in French, German, Russian and Arabic languages particularly in Turkish and English.
Çakıroğlu Law Firm was founded by Attorney Ömer Emrah Çakıroğlu in 2011 in Istanbul.
The project for acquiring the Turkish and regional rights of the world's largest American sports and health company, along with e-commerce adaptation and academy establishment, has been completed after 13 months of work.
The rate of commercial enterprises producing high-value-added products among our clients has reached 76%, while the rate of foreign investors has reached 14%.
The 11 month project for the sale of the rights to use the engineering expertise owned by a Turkish company producing high-value-added products in the cooling and heating sector in the Russian Federation has been completed.
Command of Local, Global Vision, İnvestor Friendly, Dijital
We owe to the land we live in, and we take on the responsibility to contribute to the journey of the society as a part of it.
In the projects we are in, making a direct contribution to production, producing high value-added products, information and technology is our greatest motivation, and we consider it a duty to contribute to our country.
Our Services
Commercial Law
Labor and Social Security Law
Mergers and Acquisitions
Internet Law
Real Estate Law
Family Law
“So long as the law is not disturbed, it surrounds us as invisibly and impalpably as the air we breathe, as unnoticed as the health we appreciate only after it is lost.”
"Lex est ratio summa, quae iubet quae sunt utilia et necessaria, et contraria prohibet."
"Every case is the first step for a settled case law."
We kindly ask you to fill out the form to reach us.
İstanbul Barosu Genel Kurulu’nda Başkan seçilen Prof. Dr. @ibrahimkaboglu ’nu tebrik eder, başarılar dileriz.
2025 yaz stajı başvuruları başladı.
Cumhuriyetimiz 100 yaşında.
Yeni adli yılın açılışını kutluyoruz.
Başta kıymetli meslektaşlarımız olmak üzere tüm yargı camiasına kolaylıklar dileriz.
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