Information and Technology Law

In our developing world, technological innovations and internet have become an indispensable part of our lives. As a consequence, some regulations were needed in the field and Information and Technology Law found a place among branches of law. The rules of law which imposed on human beings as a social being have to be adapted to virtual life on the grounds that the basis of this virtual life is still human.

As Çakıroğlu Law Office, our young and dynamic team at our law office, act as a adviser for projects within the scope of Information and Technology Law to be carried out by real and legal persons, to conduct and finalize these projects and to solve the disputes arising from this field with a fast and reliable road map.

We provide solutions to our clients for the implementation of all necessary sanctions within the scope of criminal law related to information systems, crimes related to information systems, crimes related to informatics and technology products, and criminal law related to informatics related crimes.
