Çakıroğlu Law Firm is a legal and consultancy office that has a command of local conditions and an integrated vision into the world Çakıroğlu Law Firm was founded by Attorney Ömer Emrah Çakıroğlu in 2012 in Istanbul. Although the head office in Istanbul; we cooperate with the offices located in the significant centers of Turkey notably Ankara, Antalya, Izmir and offices located in countries that maintain commercial ties with Turkey.
We provide legal services in French, German, Russian and Arabic languages particularly in Turkish and English, in all fields related to real and legal persons.
The motto of our Legal and Consultant team is auditable, reliable, efficient and rapid solutions
We provide services to our clients in many business and trade sectors, especially in refrigeratory, sports, architecture, technology, IT, energy, health, construction, and real estate.
In the projects we are in, making a direct contribution to production, producing high value-added products, information and technology is our greatest motivation, and we consider it a duty to contribute to our country.
“So long as the law is not disturbed, it surrounds us as invisibly and impalpably as the air we breathe, as unnoticed as the health we appreciate only after it is lost.”
Pierre Calamanderi
"Lex est ratio summa, quae iubet quae sunt utilia et necessaria, et contraria prohibet."
Law is the perfection of reason, which commands what is useful and necessary, and forbids the contrary.
"Every case is the first step for a settled case law."
Kurucunun Mesajı