Energy and Mining Law

Energy Law is a branch of law that examines the issues of production and distribution of energy. As Çakıroğlu Law Office, we have many years of experience in Energy Law.

Due to the increasing population in the world and in our country and industrial technological developments, energy demand has emerged and energy consumption has increased. Therefore, energy production efforts in our country have started to accelerate. For this reason, as a law firm, we provide consultancy services to companies operating in natural gas, petroleum and LPG markets related the transactions approved by the Ministry of Energy, Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EMRA) and TEİAŞ, takeover of energy projects and companies, obtaining licenses and all kinds of permits, and also provide legal services and consultancy services for legal disputes.


We provide consultancy services for legal and administrative cases related to mining operations and expropriation, mining permit, transfer, and termination, precedence, business license, mine search permit, also for the cases arising from the operations of the Ministry of Energy and the Directorate of Mining Affairs.
